Introduction: "The Theory and Practice of Economic Planning."
Peter J. Boettke, Department of Economics, George Mason University,
Fairfax, VA
Volume 1: The Natural Economy
Karl Marx - Critique Of The Gotha Programme (New York: International
Publishers. 1989).
Frederick Engels - Socialism : Utopian and Scientific (New York:
International Publishers. 1935).
V.I. Lenin - State and Revolution
N. Bukharin - Economics of the Transition Period, excerpts.
N. Bukharin & E. Preobrazhensky - The ABC of Communism (Penguin Books.
1969), excerpts.
Otto Neurath - Through War Economy To Economy in Kind (pp.122-157,
Empiricism and Sociology. D. Reidel Publishing Company,
Dordrecht-Holland/Boston. 1973).
Volume 2: Collectivist Economic Planning
F.A. Hayek (ed) - Collectivist Economic Planning (Routledge.
Volume 3: Economic Planning in Soviet Russia
Boris Brutzkus - Economic Planning in Soviet Russia (Routledge.
Volume 4: Marginalist Economics and the Socialist Economy
Fred. M. Taylor - The Guidance of Production in a Socialist State
(The American Economic Review, Vol.19, Issue 1. March., 1929.
Pages 1-8)
Frank H. Knight - The Place of Marginal Economics in a Collectivist System
(The American Economic Review, Vol.26, Issue 1. Papers & Proceedings.
March 1936, pp.255-266)
H.D. Dickinson - Price Formation in a Socialist Community (The Economic
Journal, June 1933, pp.237-250)
Maurice Dobb - Economic Theory and the Problems of a Socialist Economy
(The Economic Journal, Dec. 1933, pp.588-598)
Abba P. Lerner - Economic Theory and Socialist Economy (The Review of
Economic Studies, Oct. 1934,V.2.N.1. pp.51-61)
Maurice Dobb - Economic Theory and Socialist Economy: A Reply (The Review
of Economic Studies, V.2. pp.144-51)
Abba P. Lerner - A Rejoinder (The Review of Economic Studies, V.2.
E.F.M. Durbin - Economic Calculus in a Planned Economy (The Economic
Journal, Dec. 1936, pp.676-690)
Abba P. Lerner - Statics and Dynamics in Socialist Economics (The Economic
Journal, June 1937, pp.253-270)
E.F.M. Durbin - A Note on Mr Lerner's "Dynamical" Propositions (The
Economic Journal, Sept. 1937, pp.577-581)
Abba P. Lerner - Theory and Practice in Socialist Economics, V.6. 1938,
pp. 71-75)
Oskar Lange - On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part One (The Review of
Economic Studies, 1936, pp. 53-71)
Abba P. Lerner - A Note on Socialist Economics (The Review of Economic
Studies. Oct. 1936, 72-76)
Oskar Lange - On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part Two (The Review of
Economic Studies, 1937, pp.123-142)
Oskar Lange - Mr Lerner's Note on Socialist Economics (The Review of
Economic Studies. V.4. 1937, pp.143-144)
Volume 5: Socialist Calculation and the Market Economy
F.A. Hayek - Socialist Calculation: The Competitive 'Solution' (Economica,
May 1940, pp.125-149)
Lionel Robbins - The Great Depression (The Macmillan Company: New York,
1934, pp.144-157)
Lionel Robbins - Economic Planning and International Order (Macmillan &
Co., Limited. 1938, pp.187-211)
Ludwig von Mises - Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (1949,
Jack Wiseman - Uncertainty, Costs, and Collectivist Economic Planning
(Economica, May 1953, pp.118-128)
Abram Bergson - Market Socialism Revisited (The Journal of Political
Economy, Vol.75, Issue 5, Oct. 1967, pp.655-673)
Paul Craig Roberts - Oskar Lange's Theory of Socialist Planning (The
Journal of Political Economy, Vol.79, Isse 3, May-Jun., 1971,
Jan Drewnowski - The Economic Theory of Socialism: A Suggestion for
Reconsideration (The Journal of Political Economy, Vol.69, Issue 4,
Aug.1961, pp.341-354)
Paul Craig Roberts - Drewnowski's Economic Theory of Socialism (The
Journal of Political Economy, Vol.76, Issue 4, Part 1, Jul-Aug., 1968,
Jan Drewnowski - "Drewnowski's Economic Theory of Socialism," by Paul
Craig Roberts: A Reply (The Journal of Political Economy, Vol.79, Issue 1.
Jan-Feb., 1971, pp.196-199)
Paul Craig Roberts - Revealed Planners' Preferences Once Again: A Rebuttal
to Drewnowski (The Journal of Political Economy, Vol.80, Issue 3, Part 1.
May-Jun,. 1972, pp.608-611)
Karen Vaughn - Economic Calculation Under Socialism: The Austrian
Contribution (Economic Inquiry, Vol.XVIII, Oct. 1980, pp.535-554)
Peter Murrell - Did the theory of market socialism answer the challenge of
Ludwig von Mises? A reinterpretation of the socialist controversy (History
of Political Economy, 15:1, pp.92-105)
Gunther K. Chaloupek - The Austrian debate on economic calculation in a
socialist economy (History of Political Economy, 22:4, pp.659-675)
Volume 6: Rivalry and Central Planning
Don Lavoie - Rivalry and Central Planning (Cambridge Univ. Press,
Volume 7: The Soviet Experience
Peter J. Boettke - The Political Economy of Soviet Socialism (Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1990)
Volume 8: Mechanism Design Theory and the Allocation of Resources
Oskar Lange - The Computer and the Market (Socialism, Capitalism and
Economic Growth - edited by C.H. Feinstein, Cambridge at the University
Press, 1969, pp.158-161)
Leonid Hurwicz - On the Concept and Possibility of Informational
Decentralization (The American Economic Review, Vol.59, Issue 2. Papers
and Proceedings, May 1969, pp.513-524)
Leonid Hurwicz - The Design of Mechanisms for Resource Allocation (The
American Economic Review, Vol.63, Issue 2. Papers and Proceedings, May
1973, pp.1-30)
Roy Gardner - L.V. Kantorovich: The Price Implications of Optimal Planning
(Journal of Economic Literature, June 1990, pp.638-648)
Don Lavoie - The Market as a Procedure for Discovery and Conveyance of
Inarticulate Knowledge (Comparative Economic Studies, 28:1, Spring 1986,
Don Lavoie - Computation, Incentives, and Discovery: The Cognitive
Function of Markets in Market Socialism (ANNALS, AAPSS, Jan. 1990,
Volume 9: The Current Status of the Debate
David Levy - The Bias in Centrally Planned Prices (Public Choice,
67 (1999): 213-226).
David L. Prychitko - Marxism and Decentralized Socialism (Critical Review,
Vol.2. Number 4, 1988, pp.127-148)
Daniel Shapiro - Reviving the Socialist Calculation Debate: A Defense of
Hayek against Lange (Social Philosophy and Policy, 6:2, pp.139-159,
John O'Neill - Markets, Socialism, and Information: A Reformulation of a
Marxian Objection to the Market (Social Philosophy and Policy, 6:2,
pp.200-210, 1989)
N. Scott Arnold - Marx and Disequilibrium in Market Socialist Relations of
Production (Economics and Philosophy; v3 n1 April 1987, pp. 23-47)
David Schweickart - Market Socialist Capitalist Roaders: A Comment on
Arnold[Marx and Disequilibrium in Market Socialist Relations of
Production] (Economics and Philosophy; v3 n2 October
1987, pp.308-19)
N. Scott Arnold - Further Thoughts on the Degeneration of Market
Socialism: A Reply to Schweickart [Marx and Disequilibrium in Market
Socialist Relations of Production] (Economics and Philosophy; v3 n2
October 1987, pp. 320-30)
David Schweickart - A Reply to Arnold's Reply [Marx and Disequilibrium in
Market Socialist Relations of Production] (Economics and Philosophy; v3
n2 October 1987, pp. 331-34)
N. Scott Arnold - Final Reply to Professor Schweickart [Marx and
Disequilibrium in Market Socialist Relations of
Production] (Economics and Philosophy; v3 n2 October
1987, pp. 335-38)
N. Scott Arnold - Marx and Disequilibrium in Market Socialist Relations of
Production: Reply (Economics and Philosophy; v4 n2 October 1988, pp.
Pranab Bardhan and John E. Roemer - Market Socialism: A Case for
Rejuvenation (Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6:3, Summer 1992,
Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny - The Politics of Market Socialism
(Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8:2, Spring 1994, pp.165-176)
Pranab Bardhan and John E. Roemer - On the Workability of Market Socialism
(Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8:2, Spring 1994, pp.177-181)
Fikret Adaman and Pat Devine - The economic calculation debate: lessons
for socialists (Cambridge Journal of Economics 1996, 20, 523-537)
Allin Cottrell and W. Paul Cockshott - Calculation, complexity and
planning: the socialist calculation debate once again (Review of Political
Economy, 5.1, 1993, pp.73-112)
Steven Horwitz - Money, Money Prices, and the Socialist Calculation Debate
(Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 3 1996, pp.59-77)
Bruce Caldwell - Hayek and Socialism (Journal of Economic Literature,
Vol.XXXV, Dec. 1997, pp.1856-1890)